+38 (044) 284-04-20

+38 (044) 284-04-20

Про нас

Інформація про фінансову установу

Відомості про підприємство



Назва компанії:

Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю "ІНВЕСТИЦІЙНА КОМПАНІЯ "ДОБРИЙ КАПІТАЛ"

Скорочена назва компанії:


ПІБ керівника:

Ткаченко Олег Володимирович

Головний бухгалтер:

Собко Світлана Володимирівна

Поштовий індекс:



місто Київ, вул. Богдана Хмельницького, буд.32,офіс 49

Контактні телефони:

+38 (044) 284-04-20

Адреси електронної пошти:

ten.rku%40peddoog, ten.rku%40pacod

Серія та номер свідоцтва про державну реєстрацію та запису в ЄДР юридичних осіб та фізичних осіб підприємців

Дата реєстрації:






Свідоцтво Нацфінпослуг або НКЦПФР про реєстрацію фінансової установи

Дата реєстрації:


Реєстраційний номер:


Ліцензія 1:

АЕ 263169 Депозитарна діяльність депозитарної установи Строк дії ліцензії з 12.10.2013 – необмежений

Ліцензія 2:

АЕ 294428 Брокерська діяльність Строк дії ліцензії з 24.09.2014 – необмежений

LaSale has over 25 years of experience and successful practice in the investment industry. We strive to build long-term relationships with clients through a competitive investment performance.
LaSale creates everlasting, reliable real estate projects of any complexity to allow all our investors and partners enjoy the benefits of a successful deal.
At LaSale, our crew of experienced specialists and affiliates combine and apply every effort to provide clients with exceptional investment opportunities in diverse, thriving real estate markets all over the country. We take pride in carefully selecting reliable investment projects which grow and prosper during all economic cycles over some time.


As a full-service investment company, we regularly cooperate with clients' consultants, accountants, lawyers, and real estate planners to ensure mutual trust and experience while structuring and implementing all our residential or commercial real estate agreements. With over eight decades of combined experience, our team gradually expands and strives to break the common boundaries within the industry sector, creating long-term, trustworthy relationships with our investors.
Since the real estate industry revives again and our economy strengthens, many critical and advantageous opportunities abound. We’re here to connect those opportunities with our affiliates and investors.
We work with different clients, from individuals that have no experience in investments to large corporations seeking to diversify their investment portfolio. We believe in individual approach and modern investment strategies that help our clients earn more and prosper. Join us and see how we work!

Our Mission

Our mission is to stay the leading investment company across the world and to deliver competitive investment performance. We will use our leadership and resources by partnering with various socially responsible institutions to improve and enrich the lives of people.



Tom Johnson

CEO & Managing Member

Tom Johnson, a CEO and Managing Member, is also the co-founder and President of LaSale, an LA-based investment management company with over $100 billion of assets under management.


Gregory Morris


Gregory Morris, a President of LaSale, oversees all investment activities of the firm and is responsible for its growth. Prior to founding LaSale, Gregory was a Senior Manager at Barclays Capital.


Jack Pool

Vice President, Portfolio Management

Jack Pool, as a Vice President, is in charge of managing the firm's multifamily portfolio and assists in new acquisitions. Prior to joining LaSale, Nick was the Acquisitions Manager at Starpint Properties.


Sam Hunter

Vice President

Before joining our team, Sam Hunter worked as an Acquisitions Associate at Blick&Rick Real Estate company. Hunter was responsible for the acquisition of over $180 million of real estate assets.

Наглядова рада


Tom Johnson

CEO & Managing Member

Tom Johnson, a CEO and Managing Member, is also the co-founder and President of LaSale, an LA-based investment management company with over $100 billion of assets under management.


Gregory Morris


Gregory Morris, a President of LaSale, oversees all investment activities of the firm and is responsible for its growth. Prior to founding LaSale, Gregory was a Senior Manager at Barclays Capital.


Jack Pool

Vice President, Portfolio Management

Jack Pool, as a Vice President, is in charge of managing the firm's multifamily portfolio and assists in new acquisitions. Prior to joining LaSale, Nick was the Acquisitions Manager at Starpint Properties.


Sam Hunter

Vice President

Before joining our team, Sam Hunter worked as an Acquisitions Associate at Blick&Rick Real Estate company. Hunter was responsible for the acquisition of over $180 million of real estate assets.

  • Адреса

    вул. Богдана Хмельницького, 32, офис 49, м. Київ, 01054

  • Час роботи

    Понеділок-п'ятниця: 09.00 - 17.00